SDI Plans

Hold Your Own Keys IRA Trust

A Simple and Secure Way to Hold Cryptocurrency in Your IRA

 Investing in cryptocurrency in an IRA can be confusing, slow, and expensive.  But it doesn’t have to be.

The Choice Hold Your Own Keys IRA creates a truly simple and secure way to invest in cryptocurrency with your IRA.

How it Works

A unique account structure is behind this program.

    • An IRA with Choice is established and funded via a new IRA contribution or rollover from an existing plan
    • A special Trust entity is created that is wholly owned by the IRA and managed by you  (This is what we do here at SDI Plans)
    • All crypto trading takes place on the Choice platform via the IRA account
    • Your digital asset holdings are then assigned into the Trust
    • The Trust will hold a hardware wallet where you can personally store your cryptocurrency keys

In essence, the Trust is your own cold-storage vault for your IRA.  When you hold the keys, you can be sure of the security of your IRA digital asset investments.

Get Started

Contact Choice to learn more about this program and sign up.

When you initiate plan setup, Kingdom Trust will provide you with a Registration Code.  

Already Have a Registration Code?

If you already have your Registration Code, click the button below to get started.

Create my HYOK Trust