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How Our Process Works

No matter which Self Directed IRA Investment plan you choose, you can be assured of prompt, personalized service from our team of professionals at Safeguard Advisors.  In addition to plan implementation, we are then available as advisors and guides to assist you in the successful and compliant use of your plan.

Safeguard shortcuts the maze of complexity and makes it easy to set up a Self Directed IRA or 401(k) plan designed for maximum investment flexibility with checkbook control.

We offer a nationwide ,“one-stop” service for investors who want to move some or all of their retirement funds out of the stock market and diversify into other assets.

Self Directed IRA LLC Process (also known as Checkbook or Real Estate IRA)

The set up process involves the following steps:

  1. Establishment of a new self-directed IRA account with a registered custodian, and funding of that account via transfer, rollover or contribution.
  2. The formation of a “special purpose” IRS complaint LLC established by Safeguard where the IRA is the owner and you act as manager.
  3. You then open a LLC checking account at the bank or credit union of your choosing.
  4. The IRA is then invested into the LLC and funds are issued to the LLC checking account.
  5. The plan is then established and ready for you to begin investing with full checkbook control.

You are able to participate in wide range of allowable investment transactions directly, without the delays and fees associated with investing directly from a custodial IRA account.

As your IRA LLC funds grow, you can continue to invest from this platform.

Additional contributions can be made to the Self-Directed IRA custodian and invested into the IRA LLC. Distributions are initiated via liquidations of LLC shares to the custodian.

Solo 401(k) Process

A Solo 401(k) Plan consists of two main components: 1) the plan documents which describe how the plan works and 2) the trustee who administers plan funds and directs plan investments (in this case…you).

The set up process involves the following steps:

  1. A flexible and powerful 401(k) plan document created by our tax attorney
  2. Appointment of a trustee and/or a co-trustee (you and anyone you want to appoint who can act on behalf of the plan)
  3. Establishment a trust account for the 401(k) plan at the bank of your choosing.
  4. The rollover of qualified retirement funds into the bank trust account.
  5. The plan is then established and ready for you to begin investing with full checkbook control.

We will provide the proper documents to facilitate a rollover from one or more existing retirement plans into the new 401(k) trust account, and will assist with this process as necessary.

The Solo 401(k) allows for significant tax deferred contributions in the form of employee contributions (from your income) and employer profit sharing contributions (from your business).

As with our Self Directed IRA LLC, you have checkbook control over investment decisions and are not reliant on a 3rd party custodian or administrator.

Business Funding IRA

The big difference between a Business Funding Plan and Self Directed IRA or a Solo 401(k) is the fact that it is designed for active participation in a business. Both of the other plans allow for passive, arm’s length investment only.

With funds from one or more qualified retirement plans, you are able to actually establish a business and utilize those funds as operating capital.

The set up process involves the following steps:

  1. A C Corporation is required for this structure. This can be setup for a new business or your existing business can be re-characterized as a C Corporation.
  2. The business then establishes a a profit sharing plan similar in many ways to a 401(k) plan.
  3. Funds are rolled over from existing tax-deferred retirement plans such as an IRA, 401(k), etc into the new company profit sharing plan.
  4. The plan invests into the business by purchasing shares of the C Corporation.

The business now has access to capital and the retirement plan has an investment in your business.

You draw a salary from the business, and you can continue to grow your retirement wealth through tax deferred contributions to the profit sharing plan. The business can also make employer contributions on your behalf.

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