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Solo 401(k) 5500-EZ Filings

Solo 401(k) 5500-EZ Filings Due July 31st

If you are operating a Solo 401(k) and the total value of your plan exceeded $250,000 at any point during the tax year (January 1 – December 31), then your plan must file form 5500-EZ.

The deadline for the filings is July 31st, or the first business day of August if the 31st falls on a weekend.

The 5500-EZ is a simplified, informational filing for owner-only 401(k) plans.  Links to the form and instructions follow.

Form 5500-EZ Instructions

Form 5500-EZ

If you terminate your Solo 401(K) plan, a final 5500-EZ filing is required, regardless of plan value.  The filing must occur within 7 months of plan termination.

If you need specific assistance with preparing or filing form 5500-EZ, please consult with your licensed tax professional.


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