Safeguard Advisors is now Solera Plan Services 1-877-229-9763 Contact Us

Safeguard Advisors Joins Solera National Bank

Safeguard Advisors is excited to announce that we have joined the Solera National Bank family of companies.

Safeguard Advisors will operate as the plan provisioning and consulting arm of Solera, and will rebrand as Solera Plan Services, LLC.

Our firm has been offering self-directed IRA and Solo 401(k) plans for almost two decades and has served as a leader in building this unique industry.

Solera National Bank and Solera Plan Services can now offer the first fully unified end-to-end program for checkbook IRA and Solo 401(k) plans, including:

  • Plan formation and consulting support
  • IRA custody and reporting
  • Plan banking

In the early days of this industry it took three separate vendors – and a lot of coordination and maintenance – to set up and operate a checkbook IRA LLC.  This merger represents a big step forward in making self-direction more accessible.

Our Vision

Solera National Bank and Safeguard Advisors and have always focused on providing investors with more choice, and simplifying the pathway for individuals to take control of their own retirement investing.

Our unique combination of expertise and scale will allow us to bring the benefits of self-directed retirement investing to more people, while simplifying the process and reducing costs.

We are still small enough to provide personal service, but big enough to take self-directed investing to the next level.

What This Means for Existing Clients

Initially, not much.  Your plan and your investments are not impacted in any way.  This is true whether your IRA is with Solera or whether you have an older plan that was established with another IRA custodian.

You can still seek guidance from our team if you need help understanding IRS rules or just want a refresher on the paperwork to make an IRA contribution.

Our plan consulting and support team has more than doubled in size, so you can continue to expect responsive support.  When you call or email, you might interact with someone new, but you can be confident you are working with experts.

It will take us some time to combine our teams and our systems.  Over the next several months, you can expect to see things come together as Solera Plan Services, LLC.  In the interim, you can continue to reach us at [email protected] or 877-229-9763.

Once we have our teams and processes unified, we have a number of exciting new initiatives on the agenda.  We are planning upgrades to the website, more self-service support options (to enhance, not replace personal support), and streamlined plan onboarding that will get you from an application to investing faster and with less effort.

About Solera National Bank

Solera National Bank www.solerabank.com (SLRK) is both a nationally chartered bank and a registered IRA custodian headquartered in Denver, Colorado.

Since 2016, Solera has made self-directed banking their mission, and has grown to become the bank of choice for the self-directed IRA and Solo 401(k) industry.

Funds held though Solera Bank are FDIC insured to $250,000.

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